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Pre Natal Yoga

I want to thank you for your coaching at yoga, it gave me so much positivity and empowered me to have the birth I wanted. Also all the poses and breathing worked! Thank you again!  - Natalie Man


Recommendations for reading

Bountiful, Beautiful and Blissful - Gurmukh


The Hypnobirthing Book - Katherine Graves


Hypnobirthing - The Mongan Method


Ina May's Guide to Childbirth - Ina May Gaskin


Your Baby, Your Birth: Hypnobirthing Skills For Every Birth

- Hollie De Cruz


The Positive Birth Book: A New Approach to Pregnancy,

Birth and the Early Weeks - Milli Hill


Yoga for pregnancy and birth, 2010 - Uma Dinsmore-Tuli


The Calm Birth Method: Your Complete Guide to a Positive Hypnobirthing Experience - Suzy Ashworth


Pregnancy The Naked Truth - Anya Hayes,  Hollie Smith and

Rachel Andrew

Cheryl has been teaching Pre Natal Yoga for six years, she teaches a number of weekly pre natal classes for Busy Lizzy, Alcheme and KT9 The Barn.


As a mother of two, she feels honoured to guide mums-to-be into this special time of their lives. Being a mother is a huge part of her identity, it's shaped who she is today. Her children really are her greatest teacher, they have mirrored all the work she needs to do. They have taught her so much, and it's an honour to be their mum.

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy! 

Practicing yoga during your pregnancy; whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned yogini, pre-natal yoga is the perfect practice for your pregnant body. Whether your pregnancy is filled with bliss or some discomfort, the practice will help soften and relax your body, helping you alleviate any pregnancy symptoms. Yo
u can start a yoga practice when you have reached 12 weeks of pregnancy and you can continue up to the birth of your baby. 

Pre-natal yoga may help you have a more, relaxed and calm birth. You'll build confidence and develop a mindset to help you birth with less fear in the knowledge that your body knows how to birth your baby in exactly the same way that it innately knows how to grow your baby.   

What can you expect from a Pre-natal, practice?

In class you will learn breathing techniques, visualisations to help with labour, positive affirmations and yoga stretches to aid pregnancy as well as positions for birthing your baby.  Classes will finish with a deep relaxation for nourishment of you and baby, leaving you feeling relaxed and empowered.  

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